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[News] Review of ArtistX Linux 0.7

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ArtistX Linux 0.7 – An Ubuntu Alternative – Review & Screenshots

,----[ Quote ]
| ArtistX is still in the early stages and may not be your workhorse desktop 
| distro just yet (they are still on v.0.70), but there’s a great potential 
| here.  If you are interested in using Linux as your multimedia workstation, 
| then you’ll definitely want to give it a try.  The only question that I have 
| is, what can they add for the next release, since everything is already 
| included!     



ArtistX 0.6, Now Based on Ubuntu 8.10

,----[ Quote ]
| Marco Ghirlanda, team leader of ArtistX, announced the immediate availability
| of version 0.6, now created with the help of Remastersys Live CD creation
| software. Using the 2.6.27 Linux kernel, ArtistX 0.6 lets you choose between
| GNOME 2.24 and the recent KDE 4.2 desktop environments and has Compiz Fusion
| included for a full 3D-effects experience.
| Having plenty of space on a DVD, ArtistX 0.6 comes with almost 2500 free
| multimedia applications designed for all Linux users. This version is based
| on the latest stable Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) release and features the
| Ubiquity installer.



ArtistX 0.5 - A Complete Multimedia Studio on a Live DVD - Create music and
edit videos right from the Live DVD

,----[ Quote ]
| ArtistX 0.5, a Debian-based Live DVD Linux distribution, was announced a few
| days ago by Marco Ghirlanda. This distro is full of applications for audio,
| video and graphics creation & editing. It uses the Linux kernel 2.6.25, KDE
| 3.5 as desktop manager and, as a bonus, you get Compiz 0.7.7 (from Debian
| unstable) for more eye-candy.


Welcome to the ArtistX 0.4 experience!

,----[ Quote ]
| ArtistX 0.4 is ready for download. Now comes in two flavours (Gnome and KDE)
| and both include the Powua Client and Powua Tutorials.  


Welcome to ArtistX - version 0.3 Just Released

,----[ Quote ]
| ArtistX is a live DVD which turns a computer into a full
| multimedia production studio. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux
| and contains nearly all the available free audio, 2D and 3D
| graphics, and video software for the GNU/Linux computing platform.
| It doesn't need to be installed, and boots directly into a running
| system without touching hard drives. The files produced with ArtistX
| can be easily stored on USB devices or CD/DVD medium while it is
| running.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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