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[News] MAFIAA Says Ringtones Can be Copyright Infringement

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ASCAP Now Claiming That Your Mobile Phone Ringing Is A Public Performance

,----[ Quote ]
| On top of this, even if, in some bizarre, twisted interpretation of the law, 
| a ringtone playing on a phone was a public performance, how would it be the 
| mobile operators' liability to pay? That would be like saying that Apple 
| should pay ASCAP royalties because songs it sells on iTunes could potentially 
| be played through speakers publicly somewhere. Perhaps I shouldn't be giving 
| ASCAP ideas...      


ASCAP Wants To Be Paid When Your Phone Rings

,----[ Quote ]
| ASCAP (the same folks who went after Girl Scouts for singing around a 
| campfire) appears to believe that every time your musical ringtone rings in 
| public, you're violating copyright law by "publicly performing" it without a 
| license. At least that's the import of a brief [2.5mb PDF] it filed in 
| ASCAP's court battle with mobile phone giant AT&T.     


No mistakes? NH P2P case highlights MediaSentry's issues

,----[ Quote ]
| With the help of a local law clinic, a middle-age New Hampshire woman who was 
| accused of downloading songs like "Jigga My Nigga" has just settled with the 
| recording industry without paying a cent. Recording industry investigator 
| MediaSentry says it doesn't make mistakes, but a Dartmouth professor brought 
| in to examine the evidence concluded that it had plenty of issues.    



PRS Threatens Woman For Playing Radio To Her Horses Without Paying A Licensing

,----[ Quote ]
| The latest (sent in by a few folks) is that PRS has now threatened a woman
| who plays classical music to her horses in her stable to keep them calm. She
| had been turning on the local classical music station, saying that it helped
| keep the horse calm -- but PRS is demanding £99 if she wants to keep
| providing such a "public performance." And it's not just a one-off.
| Apparently a bunch of stables have been receiving such calls.
| Obviously, this is not a case of random excessive attempts by PRS to squeeze
| more money out of people. It's become systematic. The group seems to believe
| that playing music in almost any situation now constitutes a public
| performance and requires a licensing fee. You just know they're salivating
| over the opportunity to go after people playing music in their cars with the
| windows down.


MPAA Matches RIAA In Massive Layoffs

,----[ Quote ]
| I missed this one when it initially happened, but it looks like the MPAA is
| following in the footsteps of the RIAA -- who recently laid off a bunch of
| folks. Apparently the MPAA quickly followed suit and drastically scaled back
| after the studios cut the MPAA's funding by about 15 to 20%.

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