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Re: Roy Schestowitz Exposed !!!!

Fuddie wrote:

>Roy cries "Fire!" in a crowded movie theater and is surprised when someone
>gets trampled.  It's not his fault.  He can't control peoples basic
>instincts that he himself has stoked to a raging fire.  Oh, woe is him.
>Why is everyone blaming him?
>The fact of the matter is, multiple courts have ruled that free speech ends
>when someone gets hurt because of it.  Roy, your zealotry stoking has gone
>too far.  Take responsibility for your actions, and don't pretend you have
>nothing to do with them.  You *DO*.  You choose to say things which you
>know iwll get others riled up.  You choose to misrepresent facts to get

Poor Fuddie.  You'd better run-off to Microshaft's "get the facts"
site, to get the unbiased truth.

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