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Re: [News] Fedora 12 Out in December (Without Mono)

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Fedora 12 Release Schedule and Goals
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | While every Fedora fan enjoys the newly released Fedora 11 Linux-based
> | operating system, the developers are working hard on the next release,
> | Fedora 12, due for release in November-December 2009. Make sure you
> | visit our website, starting with August 18th when the first alpha will
> | be released, as we will do a full coverage of the Fedora 12 development
> | process. Without any further introduction, let's have a look at the
> | release schedule:
> | 
> | August 18th, 2009 - Alpha release
> | October 6th, 2009 - Beta release
> | October 20th, 2009 - Release Candidate
> | November 3rd, 2009 - Fedora 12 final release
> `----
> The Three Faces of Fedora 11, Part 3: Xfce
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | I have to confess that in writing this blog item about Xfce on Fedora
> | 11, I?ve had divine inspiration. I mean, really divine inspiration, as
> | in as high on the divinity food chain as you can get.
> `----
> Fedora!
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | After using Fedora for six months I?m more than happy with it.  The most
> | recent release, Fedora-11, is very fast booting and has been
> | tremendously
> | stable for me.  That?s amazing, considering that some of the software is
> | supposed to be right there at the edge.  Fedora uses the Gnome desktop
> | by
> | default, but I prefer KDE myself.  KDE 4.x has been controvertial, to
> | say the
> | least, but I really like the latest (4.2).  It intalled flawlessly and
> | has
> | not crashed on me once.  Can?t beat that.
> `----
> http://joebuckley.wordpress.com/2009/06/18/fedora/
> Recent:
> Fedora 12 Codenames: Perseidas, Orionid?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Fedora 11 will be out next week, but planning for Fedora 12 is already
> | well underway. Some of the Fedora 12 features have already been laid out
> | like a user-space LVM library, enhanced multi-seat support, and
> | replacing nash/mkinitrd with Dracut. It's also time to start thinking
> | about the codename for this next Red Hat release.
> `----
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzI3Nw
> Fedora 12 Team Taking Codename Suggestions
> http://ostatic.com/blog/fedora-12-team-taking-codename-suggestions
> Fedora 12 Features Get Laid Out
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Fedora 11 with all of its Nouveau support, Btrfs capabilities, and
> | kernel mode-setting support glory isn't being released until later this
> | month, but the features for Fedora 12 are already being planned out.
> `----

What? No mono???? I'll be certain to buy a copy... Although my favorite
distribution is Gentoo, I always support the other distributions...
especially when they do something smart, like dumping mono....


                             From the desk of:
                             Jerome D. McBride
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