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Re: [News] Fedora 12 Out in December (Without Mono)

Hans Lister wrote:

> On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 14:02:31 -0400, Jerry McBride wrote:
>> What? No mono???? I'll be certain to buy a copy... Although my favorite
>> distribution is Gentoo, I always support the other distributions...
>> especially when they do something smart, like dumping mono....
> Spoken like a true freetard !

Freetard? That will make a GREAT t-shirt at work. Your see, I'm all about
freedom of choice... look at Iran today... its all about choice and dumping
those that would monopolize us... by any measure....

MSFT... you're days are numbred...


                             From the desk of:
                             Jerome D. McBride
   19:24:00 up 50 days, 54 min,  3 users,  load average: 1.00, 0.39, 0.18

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