After takin' a swig o' grog, Peter belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Snip
>> To: cameronm
>> Subject: Seybold report on office computing
>> Date: Wed Apr 29 19:11:02 PDT 1992
>> It praises Os/2 2.0 endlessly using the charts from the IBM
>> white papers. For example the chart showing windows giving you
>> only 506k of memory and Os/2 giving you 620k.
> Very interesting article on Os/2 2.0 !
> My experiences with Os/2 were not good but what were yours ?
OS/2 was a pro OS, while Windows at that time was a single-tasking toy.
Q: What do little WASPs want to be when they grow up?
A: The very best person they can possibly be.