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Re: [News] Mono is a Disaster, OpenSUSE Drifts Further Away from Novell

  • Subject: Re: [News] Mono is a Disaster, OpenSUSE Drifts Further Away from Novell
  • From: Tony Manco <trmanco@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 06 Jun 2009 11:23:51 +0100
  • Bytes: 2544
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  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
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  • Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
  • References: <13527258.nfCNfO90yx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Mono actually is dangerous
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | In a recent iTWire article titled "The elusive, royalty-free patent licence
> | for Mono", Sam Varghese contacts Ecmea for the patent terms surrounding Mono.
> | Remember that the mono camp always throws the argument at people that mono
> | follows an Ecmea standard and as such is free to implement?
> |
> | [....]
> |
> | He reaches a very simple conclusion:
> | "To me, it looks this licence is as real as the unicorn. Or maybe Santa
> | Claus. I think Mono fans need to think of a fresh defence when people talk
> | about the dangers of patent suits arising over this technology. The licence
> | talk has worn more than a little thin."
> |
> | Thanks for a great piece of investigation to Sam.
> |
> | Now, can we please take a real look into this before we rip out Rhythmbox in
> | favour of Banshee in Ubuntu and can we please reinvestigate making Gnome
> | depend on mono (currently by virtue of Tomboy)?
> `----
> http://nocturn.vsbnet.be/node/152

And yet some more proof that Mono is dangerous. Great post!

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