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Re: [News] MAFIAA Attacks Children, Professor Accuses MAFIAA of Abusing the Law

Homer wrote:
> High Plains Thumper spake:
>> This is simply abuse.  A non-profit organisation around a
>> camp site singing a popular tune is going beyond the
>> reasonable means of seeking compensation.
> Read this:
> http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20090421/0328544592.shtml
> I fail to see what possible, defensible, inalienable "rights"
> publishers have to prevent people from doing nothing more
> sinister than utilising their own memory and vocal cords for
> their own private purposes. This is not an assertion of
> "rights", it's an abuse of /power/, and one of the most
> sickening and dangerous social and political developments of
> our time. Once others have the legally mandated "right" to
> assert powers over others' /minds/, you know liberty,
> democracy and common decency have been defeated by
> totalitarianism, as Orwell so convincingly and vividly
> demonstrated.
> If possessing an unlicensed copy of published material is a
> violation of copyright law, to the extent that even /singing/
> a song purely from memory is such a "violation", then surely
> the mere fact that this "protected" data is stored in the
> human mind must mean that is /also/ a "violation", as surely
> as if it were stored on a HDD or CD-R.

It certainly defies common sense.  It is as though they are
grappling for every penny and farthing they can, rather than what
is considered common sense and decency.  It is nothing more than
a pretext for greed.

> Such thinking (and subsequent action) sets a very dangerous
> precedent, and it isn't difficult to see where this will lead,
> if allowed to continue unchecked. But who is there to stop
> this sinister progression? Not the bent politicians, that's
> for sure.

It is dangerous.  There should be no penalties or fines without
proper due process.  The problem is that these organisations are
basically para-police organisations, chartered to fine but not a
function of government.

> And exactly how "bent" are these politicians? Well, the US 
> Administration claims the underground ACTA negotiations, to
> "protect" global Intellectual Monopolies, are a "matter of
> national security", for example, and as such the process
> cannot be made transparent, as demanded by the democratic
> process. Circumventing democracy in underground bunkers, is
> the surest sign yet that a society has collapsed into fascism.
> Where have we seen this before?

When children are not permitted in schools to sing a popular tune
for a talent show, girl scouts are not allowed to sing a popular
song around a camp fire, and someone with a guitar is not allowed
to strum and sing to a popular tune in a gathering larger than a
family is simply abuse.  Particularly if a song sounds similar to
a professional artist although original and is told to remove it
from a non-profit (or profit) blog is abuse.  The whole industry
has simply gone mad.


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