On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 07:18:41 -0700, above the shrieking & whining of the
trolls, Kelsey Bjarnason was heard to say:
> On Fri, 27 Mar 2009 08:21:40 -0500, chrisv wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>The download pace DOUBLED!
>> "No one here actually uses OOffice." - "True Linux advocate" Hadron
>> Quark
> Well, yeah, nobody at all. Except me - I use it pretty much daily.
Yup, "me too". ;-)
> And, I suspect, most of the Linux users. And while the Windows users _in here_
> may not use it, OOo's download stats suggest some Windows users are at the
> very least interested in using it.
I know some windows users who use OOo.
> Ah, what can you expect, the Wintrolls around here just ain't too bright.