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[News] OIN (IBM, Oracle, Google, etc.) May be Going After Near-Debt Microsoft

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TomTom gets allies in Microsoft Linux patent lawsuit fight

,----[ Quote ]
| When Microsoft first sued TomTom for patent violations in TomTom's 
| Linux-powered navigation devices, I wasn't sure how much of a fight TomTom 
| would put up. Legally TomTom was between a rock and a hard place. You can't 
| use restricted-use patents in GPLed software. If Microsoft just wanted to use 
| the lawsuit as a hostile takeover tactic, TomTom didn't have anything like 
| Microsoft's financial resources to fight them with.      


Why TomTom is the new SCO (in the nicest possible way)

,----[ Quote ]
| I don't think this materially affects the Microsoft lawsuit, since these OIN 
| patents are not intended to be used for attack, more to remove possible 
| obstacles. It simply emphasises the increasingly alignment of TomTom's 
| interests with those of the wider GNU/Linux community, and represents a nice 
| poke in the eye for Microsoft. But it does emphasise one thing: that the 
| TomTom saga is fast becoming as rich, complex – and, let's admit it: 
| entertaining – as the apparently unending and always improbable SCO suit, 
| still rumbling on. Who said patent law was dull?        


Patent Commons: Uncommon but Patently Good


Microsoft is finished. Another SCO... with $0 Windows, no money in the bank,
and pathetic market share where it really matters.


Strike/Counterstrike: TomTom Sues Microsoft


European Patent Office: Patent Applications Slow As Rejections Rise

,----[ Quote ]
| In a trend appearing in other patent offices around the world, patent
| applications at the European Patent Office continued to rise in 2008, but at
| a slower rate toward the end of year. At the EPO, this was coupled with the
| lowest percentage of granted patents in its history.


TomTom countersues Microsoft in patent dispute

,----[ Quote ]
| TomTom has responded to Microsoft's patent suit by filing a patent claim of
| its own against the software maker.
| The GPS device maker, based in the Netherlands, filed the countersuit in the
| U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on Thursday.


TomTom Linux impact light hit so far

,----[ Quote ]
| I don’t necessarily see the same effect from the TomTom suit since, at least
| publicly, Microsoft is not making the case that it is Linux on the line. I
| can report that there does not seem to be any slowdown or hesitation in the
| embrace of Linux for embedded devices. Perhaps that is the reason that
| Microsoft has chosen to play down any implications for Linux and open source,
| rather than puff them up as it has done in the past. If Microsoft or anyone
| else challenges the IP integrity of the Linux OS, it is likely to reinforce
| the idea that the open source software is legitimate, licensed, covered by
| copyright, and absolutely appropriate for enterprise, embedded and other
| commercial uses, at least that’s what history tells us.


Experts: Microsoft's FAT licensing terms might violate GPL

,----[ Quote ]
| Under the original FAT licensing program, pricing was US$0.25 per unit with a
| cap on total royalties of $250,000 per manufacturer, according to what had
| been posted on Microsoft’s website from 2003 to July 2006. A Microsoft
| spokesperson could not explain why they were removed or whether those terms
| were applicable to the 18 agreements outlined in the lawsuit.


Microsoft sues TomTom over FAT patents

,----[ Quote ]
| The underlying strategy is very obvious: Make those patent licenses high
| enough to reduce the cost advantage of a Linux based OS over Windows CE and
| thereby demotivate companies from using Linux in the embedded world.
| This has so far happened behind closed doors, but if you google you can find
| a couple of strange press releases of Asian companies buying into those MS
| patent deals for Linux.
| [...]
| I myself, as well as numerous other people in the Free and Open Source world
| are asking themselves how this legal action fits into the
| Microsoft-proclaimed Free Software friendly strategy. As you can see now,
| that was nothing but vapor.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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