version 1.31
Written by Roy Culley.
Contributions from Mark Kent.
Modifications by Homer, 2007 - 2009.
This report covers 842 articles received by this system to
newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy [1]
Toplist of Posters
Pos Poster Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 348 1272966 3%
2. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 90 49438 27%
3. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 63 62543 65%
4. Thufir Hawat <hawat.thufir@xxxxxxxxx> 38 38415 67%
5. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 36 74922 44%
6. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> 21 32205 83%
7. Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx> 20 20626 56%
8. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 19 8249 54%
9. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 18 19792 52%
10. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx> 16 20739 20%
JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 16 30633 74%
12. Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 15 8070 64%
13. Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 12 3563 30%
14. Phil Da Lick! <phil_the_lick@REMOVETHISSPAMTRAP 11 10040 77%
Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 11 7234 74%
16. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@invalid. 9 109253 6%
Rob Schwenk <rschwenk00@xxxxxxxxx> 9 7098 56%
Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx> 9 6929 42%
Vincent Fritters <Vince@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 9 6783 64%
20. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> 8 8502 73%
unionpenny@xxxxxxxxx 8 11595 48%
Timo Pirinen <pirisisi@xxxxxx> 8 7770 56%
23. Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx> 5 15199 10%
Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> 5 9788 28%
25. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx> 4 3077 82%
William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4 4291 80%
27. Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxx> 3 1040 59%
nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxx 3 3384 1%
29. AES <siegman@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 2 1534 31%
youkeyson@xxxxxxxxx 2 5099 85%
Toplist of Subjects
Pos Subject Msgs Bytes
1. GPL and patent protection rackets .. 34 26503
2. [News] PCLinuxOS 2009 is Released! 29 20347
3. GPL and patent protection schemes .. 28 34903
4. yet more VAPOURW~1 from Microsoft .. 21 22337
experiencing a Lynchian moment .. 21 19005
6. Microsoft to allow users to switch off IE .. 20 30751
7. OT: Endless network adapter resets in Vista 18 13421
8. OLPC Moves to ARM. Farewell, Windows XP? 17 25815
9. [News] Gets a Lot Faster in Next Ve 15 32146
[News] Sun CEO: Reaches 2,000,000-3 15 32232
11. What am I ? 13 16529
MS == extortion 13 9685
13. [News] John Dvorak Dumps Windows for GNU/Linux, Di 12 16661
14. MoonOS Kachana on an EEE 11 14019
[News] Vista 7 Stinks Badly on Sub-notebooks, GNU/ 11 16125
16. [News] Microsoft to End up Like SCO, Patents to Lo 9 15373
chick with brains wins Turing Award .. 9 5284
[News] Linux Gets Bigger, But at the Same Time Fas 9 8009
Chewing the FAT in the Microsoft vs. TomTom case 9 7786
20. Microsoft's Latest Smear Campaign, Cowardly Attack 8 7454
21. [News] Preview of Adobe Reader for GNU/Linux, Raci 7 6205
Ballmer: Microsoft needs to make faster Windows Mo 7 15816
[News] [Rival] Vista 7 Has YET ANOTHER Critical Se 7 11664
24. Linux Market Share BEATS Micoshaft and Appil COMBI 6 14144
Hardware support by kernels 6 2541
Windows being helpful 6 5238
27. <FAKE> 5 2870
[News] [Rival] The Gates Fundry Puts Money in Bill 5 9299
what is a FunkenCitation .. 5 8398
secret copyright treaty .. 5 6271
Toplist of Most Replied To Posters
Pos Poster Msgs
1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 57
2. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 31
3. Doug Mentohl <doug_mentohl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 26
4. Peter Köhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx> 12
5. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 10
Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx> 10
7. Don Zeigler <sitting@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 9
8. Thufir Hawat <hawat.thufir@xxxxxxxxx> 8
Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx> 8
Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 8
11. 7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7
Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7
unionpenny@xxxxxxxxx 7
chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7
Rob Schwenk <rschwenk00@xxxxxxxxx> 7
16. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 5
17. Timo Pirinen <pirisisi@xxxxxx> 4
Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx> 4
Phil Da Lick! <phil_the_lick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4
20. Vincent Fritters <Vince@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 3
21. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2
ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx> 2
nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 2
Philip <none@xxxxxxxxxx> 2
Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> 2
26. Mark Kent <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx> 1
Gordon <gbplinux@xxxxxxxxx> 1
Rex Ballard <rex.ballard@xxxxxxxxx> 1
Atom Egoyan <atom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 1
youkeyson@xxxxxxxxx 1
Toplist of 'Quality' Posters [2]
Pos Poster Index
Toplist of Newsreaders
Pos Newsreader Msgs
1. KNode 429
2. slrn 129
3. BlackBerry 90
4. Pan 58
5. Thunderbird 48
6. G2/1.0 23
7. Forte Agent 18
8. tin 16
9. XPN 12
10. 40tude_Dialog 9
11. Mozilla 2
MT-NewsWatcher 2
13. nn/6.7.3 1
Gnus 1
COLA Stats Engine 1
[1]: Certain off-charter, abusive, anti-Linux or pro-Microsoft
threads will be dropped, depending on their severity, and
hence not included in the stats, which are provided by me
as a measure of advocacy, not as a means of spreading the
Trolls' lies and malice even further.
[2]: The poster 'quality' stats is based on:
a) quoting: 100 - %'age quoted
b) cross-posting: 100 - %'age cross-posted
c) number of direct followups posters articles get
d) troll feeding: 100 - 2.0 * %'age troll followups
e) 75 deducted for known trolls
f) for the humour impaired the quotes around 'quality'
are intended to convey they are not to be taken too
seriously :-)
| "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It
| is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." ~ William
| Pitt the Younger
Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
09:00:40 up 128 days, 16:43, 4 users, load average: 0.76, 0.28, 0.14