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[News] Google's Mobile Linux Platform Stomps on Apple HypePhone

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iPhone suffers as Android buoys Linux cause

,----[ Quote ]
| Google's open mobile OS platform Android is buoying the fortunes of 
| Linux-powered smartphones. The news for Apple's iPhone, however, is not so 
| good.  


OODBMS vendor publishes Android benchmarks

,----[ Quote ]
| McObject has released a DBMS test benchmark application for the Android-based 
| T-Mobile/HTC G1 smartphone. The "TestIndex" benchmark results purport to show  
| that McObject's Perst object-oriented database management system (OODBMS) is 
| faster than Android's default SQLite relational embedded database.  



Windows Mobile Is Still Immobile

,----[ Quote ]
| News Analysis. My reaction to today's Microsoft announcements coming out of
| the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona: Too little. Too late. Too bad.


Windows Mobile misses annual shipment target

,----[ Quote ]
| Lees, a veteran Microsoft executive who moved from the Server & Tools unit in
| February, attributed the lower-than-projected Windows Mobile sales to some
| devices coming to market slightly later than previously expected. He declined
| to say which ones.


Why Windows Mobile Is In Trouble

,----[ Quote ]
| Recently it was revealed that the newest version of Microsoft’s mobile
| operating system, Windows Mobile 7.0, would be delayed until as late as 2010.
| The updated version, which the company’s partners had reportedly been hoping
| to have by early 2009, was aimed at giving Microsoft a bigger presence on the
| mobile stage. But delay or no delay, I don’t think it would have been enough.
| With competition from a resurgent BlackBerry platform from Research in
| Motion, Apple’s iPhone and most importantly, the Google Phone platform (I
| will analyze Nokia’s Symbian platform in a separate post at a later date),
| Microsoft’s mobile platform is facing its toughest environment yet.
| [...]
| Sometime later this month, the G-1 will go on sale and people (at least those
| in the U.S.) will be able to experience the difference between a Windows
| Mobile- and an Android-based phone for themselves. Of course, some will find
| the shortcomings of the Google Phone — and according to Mossberg, there are
| many — grating. Others, like me, will be suitably impressed. And if they’re
| impressed enough, most handset makers will want to join the party.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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