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[News] [Rival] Microsoft is Breaking the Internet (Again)

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Imminent Death of the Net Predicted

,----[ Quote ]
| Warning: the following is excessively technical, and is intended more for the 
| sake of the next poor sod who types "vista dns round robin resolution" into 
| Google than it is for my actual friends list. (Except for a few of you. And 
| you know who you are.) Also, since I want this to be searchable on Google, I 
| can't friends-lock it, so I'm not going to mention who I work for; please 
| don't do so in comments, which are screened for that reason.     
| [...]
| And Microsoft have broken the Internet. Again. Although, to be fair, they did 
| have some help this time from the IETF. 


"Monopoly raises two classes of problems for a free society. First, the
existence of monopoly means a limitation on voluntary exchange through a
reduction in the alternatives available to individuals. Second, the existence
of monopoly raises the issue of “social responsibility”, as it has come to be
called, of the monopolist."

                --Milton Friedman


OpenDNS rolls out Conficker tracking, blocking

,----[ Quote ]
| With an estimated 10 million PCs infected by the stealthy worm known as
| Conficker, it's a good bet that plenty of administrators are blissfully
| unaware that their networks are playing host to the pest. Now, a free service
| called OpenDNS is offering a new feature designed to alert administrators to
| the damage and help them contain it.


SocialDNS: Free Domains for a Free Internet

,----[ Quote ]
| John Sullivan (FSF) invited me to present in this mailing list the SocialDNS
| project (http://www.socialdns.net).
| I am very interested in obtaining feedback from the GNU community because we
| want to  submit our project to the Free Software Directory soon.


Supporting your free software? Don't burn out

,----[ Quote ]
| It’s just like any other kind of service profession. You have to establish
| some kind of limits on how far you’ll go to help people, or they will eat you
| alive! This is the main reason I don’t like service professions—I worked as a
| telephone support tech for a Hewlett Packard contractor, and lasted about
| four months before I had to bail.


DNS poisoners hijack typo domains

,----[ Quote ]
| People arrive at these pages when the domain name they request is
| unavailable, because, for example, they mistyped the URL. ISPs use this
| redirection method, known as Typosquatting, to advertise free domains or
| competing products. In the present case, however, clients don't arrive on the
| Typosquatter pages, but on pages with a crafted trojan.


DNS Patches Slow Servers, but Fast Action Is Advised

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft issued a mea culpa about its DNS update on July 17, saying that the
| patch was crippling some machines running its Windows Small Business Server
| suite. Then, on July 25, it said the patch could also affect some network
| services on systems running Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 and
| Windows 2000. In both instances, Microsoft detailed work-arounds.


Microsoft DNS fix causes trouble for some

,----[ Quote ]
| The Microsoft Corp. released a DNS fix in its patch slate for July, but the
| company seems to have problems just getting it to end users. Moreover, some
| users of the DNS fix have experienced additional difficulties.
| So far, since Microsoft's DNS fix was issued on July 10, there have been two
| separate problems associated with its installation.


SUBJECT: Microsoft SWI blog inaccuracies

,----[ Quote ]
| As you know, 3 weeks ago I published my paper, "Microsoft
| Windows DNS Stub Resolver Cache Poisoning"
| (http://www.trusteer.com/docs/Microsoft_Windows_resolver_DNS_cache_poiso
| ning.pdf),
| simultaneously with Microsoft's release of MS08-020
| (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-020.mspx).
| A day later, Microsoft's Secure Windows
| Initiative (SWI) team published their blog entry for MS08-
| 020
| (http://blogs.technet.com/swi/archive/2008/04/09/ms08-020-how-predictabl
| e-is-the-dns-transaction-id.aspx).
| Unfortunately, the SWI blog entry contains two serious
| mistakes. The first mistake is an inaccurate description of
| the PRNG used for the Microsoft Windows DNS client
| transaction ID. The second mistake is SWI's claim that
| "attackers cannot predict a guaranteed, known-next TXID
| exactly even with this weakness".
| I contacted Microsoft about those mistakes, and while
| Microsoft did not refute my statements, they also refused
| to revise the blog entry. On one hand, I am inclined to tag
| this as a simple unwillingness on the side of the vendor to
| revise its materials and admit its mistakes. On the other
| hand, I cannot ignore the fact that the two mistakes, when
| combined, result in misleading the blog reader about the
| nature and the severity of the problem.
| [...]
| This is in stark contrast to SWI's claims. Furthermore,
| Microsoft did have the full paper (actually, a draft of it
| which contains all the relevant technical information) well
| before the SWI blog was published. So the problem here is
| not an issue of SWI not having access to the paper when
| they wrote their blog entry.



Microsoft preps 133 patches for Windows DNS hole

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is working on 133 separate updates for the problem, Budd wrote.


Microsoft DNS Server Attacks Continue

,----[ Quote ]
| The concept enables malicious users to run code remotely under the
| system privileges generally granted to the DNS service itself.


Microsoft: Patch for critical DNS flaw may be ready by 8 May

,----[ Quote ]
| The cmopany has been under pressure to address the flaw, reported
| last week, since software that exploits it has now been widely
| disseminated, and criminals are beginning to use it in attacks.


Attack code raises Windows DNS zero-day risk

,----[ Quote ]
| At least four exploits for the vulnerability in the Windows domain
| name system, or DNS, service were published on the Internet over the
| weekend, Symantec said in an alert Monday.


Cybercrooks exploiting new Windows DNS flaw

,----[ Quote ]
| Cybercrooks are using a yet-to-be-patched security flaw in certain
| Windows versions to attack computers running the operating systems,
| Microsoft warned late Thursday.


Microsoft's advisories giving clues to hackers

,----[ Quote ]
| How's this for a new twist on the old responsible disclosure debate:
| Hackers are taking advantage of information released in Microsoft's
| pre-patch security advisories to create exploits for zero-day
| vulnerabilities.


DNS security improves as firms tool up to tackle spam

,----[ Quote ]
| Infoblox's survey found that the number of internet-facing DNS servers
| increased from 9m in 2006 to 11.5m in 2007, indicative of the overall growth
| of the internet. Percentage usage of the most recent and secure version of
| open-source domain name server software - BIND 9 - increased from 61 per cent
| to 65 per cent over the last year. Use of BIND 8, by contrast, dropped from
| 14 per cent in 2006 to 5.6 per cent this year. Usage of the Microsoft DNS
| Server on web-facing systems also fell, decreasing to to 2.7 per cent in 2007
| from five per cent last year.      


Use of rogue DNS servers on rise

,----[ Quote ]
| The paper estimates roughly 68,000 servers on the Internet are returning
| malicious Domain Name System results, which means people with compromised
| computers are sometimes being directed to the wrong Web sites — and often
| have no idea.  

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