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Re: Schestowitz banned from Google - Violates "terms of use"

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Philip on Wednesday:
>> Ezekiel wrote:
>>> From "Google Groups" find any Schestowitz post. Google
>>> knows a self-serving spammer when it see's one.
>> Hypocrites. They should go after the Watches, Nikes, and
>> Cigarette guys who post out of gmail.
> Hehe. The Microsoft Munchkins toil hard to achieve nothing of
> significance. I've been posting Linux news to
> comp.os.linux.advocacy for several years with the support of
> the group. The trolls have obviously been harassing the 
> advocates and tried to silence them (since the 90s). Some
> years ago they mass-ranked me 1/5 (thousands of times in a few
> days) and now they mass-complained to Google Groups. Given
> that my posts are accepted by regulars except the ad
> hominem-spewing trolls, this is rather amusing.
> Oh, by the way, since when does Google own or run USENET?
> Needless to say, this has no effect and the trolls can carry
> on with their libel campaigns. They can't save Microsoft,
> which has sunk like a rock.
> Earlier today I spoke again with a lobby of Microsoft
> shareholders. They camr to /me/ because they want to toss
> Steve Ballmer and I helped them gather material.

Only reason why Google Groups would terminate your name is if you
were a member.  There is no violation of their service if you
never were a member, which tells me that someone must have
attempted to register your name under a G-mail account.  However,
it is amusing to note how often trolls have violated the following:


6. Appropriate Conduct

You agree that you are responsible for your own conduct and
communications while using the Service and for any consequences
thereof. You agree to use the Service only to send and receive
messages and material that are legal, proper and related to the
particular Group. By way of example, and not as a limitation, you
agree that when using the Service, you will not:

    * defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate
the legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity) of others;

Gary and the clogwog perp come to mind.

    * post any inappropriate, defamatory, infringing, obscene, or
unlawful Content; [...]

Same violators.

    * impersonate another person or entity, or falsify or delete
any author attributions, legal or other proper notices or
proprietary designations or labels of the origin or source of
software or other material contained in a file that is Posted;

Same violators, who steal nyms.

Quando omni flunkus moritati
(If all else fails, play dead)
- "Red" Green

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