Micoshaft Appil asstroturfing fraudster pounding the sock
baaaaabaaaaboooeee@xxxxxxxxx wrote on behalf of Half Wits from Micoshaft
Appil Department of Marketing:
> Already 4 years behind your plan.
That sounds like WINDUMMY profits tumbling.
Anyway it is rude to be spending time thinking up
of new insults against Linux advocates and posting it
in public forums. You could get sued.
And so will the companies that sponsor you.
And it doesn't bode well for proprietory software
when you are reduced to asstroturfing to earn your pennies.
What you should be doing is mass marketing Linux
to Micoshaft salesmen when they call around and sell Linux
to Micoshaft employees. Every time you walk away from
such a deal, think of how much more you could do to
improve the spread and upatake of Linux governments
and purchasing departments to do the same thing.