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Re: [News] Possible Record for Java Programming, New GNU Utilities from CodeSourcery

After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> In article <gvho37$bt3$3@xxxxxxxx>, wispygalaxy <wispygalaxy@xxxxxxxxx> 
> wrote:
>> Gregory Shearman wrote:
>> > On 2009-05-21, wispygalaxy <wispygalaxy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> Java is a popular language, and I hope it continues to have success.  So
>> >> many gadgets run Java.  How can we live without it?
>> > 
>> > Massive, bloated, clumsy. I can live without it.
>> Do you like C++?  I always see Java vs. C++ discussions.
> You might enjoy this:
>    <http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/>
> It will let you pick any pair of languages from a large list and see 
> detailed benchmark results comparing those two.

Cool link, Tim!  I like how it starts, too:

   Benchmarking programming languages?

   How can we benchmark a programming language?
   We can't - we benchmark programming language implementations.

   How can we benchmark language implementations?
   We can't - we measure particular programs.

Your nature demands love and your happiness depends on it.

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