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[News] GNU/Linux Desktop is Good on Desktop, Say the People Who Used It

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Getting real about Linux on the desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| Lastly, we have the whole netbook phenomenon. While the jury might still be 
| out on whether Microsoft or the Open Source camp have won the battle around 
| smaller form factor devices, activity here has raised the visibility of 
| client-side Linux and provided a lot of experience in how to package and roll 
| out Linux-based offerings on a mass commercial basis. Indeed, there has been 
| a lot more focus within the Linux community around issues such as usability 
| and user acceptance, which is quite a departure from the traditional emphasis 
| on perceived technical superiority.       


Is Linux finally ready for the Desktop takeover?

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux is ready to take over the Desktop: of that, there is no doubt. The ever 
| increasing number of users adopting Linux is testament to that. Whether it 
| can complete the takeover, is something only time will tell.  



It's time to retire "ready for the desktop"

,----[ Quote ]
| Quite a few reviews of new Linux releases these days try to determine if a
| distribution is "ready for the desktop." I myself have probably been guilty
| of using that phrase, but I think it's time we officially retire this
| criterion.


Linux is ready, but consumers are not

,----[ Quote ]
| Haff said a window of opportunity for Linux ironically may lie in the demise
| of the desktop OS. "If you believe in the emergence of cloud computing, then
| the whole concept of running applications on the desktop starts to go away.
| This may well mean that Linux gets more interesting for client devices
| because now native applications do not matter so much," he said.    
| Colin Sng, a systems engineer in a Singapore-based firm, who uses Windows,
| Mac and Linux OSes for work and at home, said the technology is ready, but
| obstacles lie mostly with the consumer.  



Windows rapidly approaching desktop usability

,----[ Quote ]
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Linux ready for the desktop

,----[ Quote ]
| McLaren said the cost of security alone in the standard desktop, is at
| least "50 percent to double" that of Linux.
| He believes the primary inhibitors to large-scale Linux desktop adoption
| are Windows applications, especially Excel macros, and a perception of
| a large training cost associated with the move.
| "There will always be a migration cost for any large project, but this
| will be dramatically lowered over time," he said. "You need take a
| long-term view and realize security and admin costs will be lowered. We're
| not saying everything should be moved over at once."
| McLaren cited car rental company Europcar as having "success" by moving
| call centre people and branch office systems to Red Hat's desktop.

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