Bitch, bitch, bitch.... that's all these losers do.
"I don't like the fact there are so many distros."
Tough titty, they're not going to go away simply because you think there's too
many of them.
"Roy posts way too much. Waaaaaaaahhhhhh!"
Too bad. He's not going anywhere, either.
"There are too many inconsistencies in how different distros approach the same
Get over it. They're not going to change how they do things just because you
don't happen to like it.
"Linux will never win on the desktop due to all the different distros, which
are confusing to the new user."
There's nothing to "win". This isn't a contest.
Aim Low, Reach Your Goals, Avoid Disappointment.
DZ (Owner/proprietor, Trollus Amongus, LLC)