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Re: What is an Internet Troll?

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____/ 7 on Monday 25 May 2009 10:05 : \____

> Goblin wrote:
>> Terry Porter wrote:
>>> What is an Internet Troll?
>>> An Internet "troll" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the
>>> Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset
>>> people.
>>> Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for
>>> their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are
>>> hurting real people. To them, other Internet users are not quite human
>>> but are a kind of digital abstraction. As a result, they feel no sorrow
>>> whatsoever for the pain they inflict. Indeed, the greater the suffering
>>> they cause, the greater their 'achievement' (as they see it). At the
>>> moment, the relative anonymity of the net allows trolls to flourish.
>>> Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise).
>>> You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or
>>> compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel
>>> remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules
>>> of courtesy or social responsibility.
>>> Why does it Matter?
>>> Some people -- particularly those who have been online for years -- are
>>> not upset by trolls and consider them an inevitable hazard of using the
>>> net. As the saying goes, "You can't have a picnic without ants."
>>> It would be nice if everybody was so easy-going, but the sad fact is that
>>> trolls do discourage people. Established posters may leave a message
>>> board because of the arguments that trolls ignite, and lurkers (people
>>> who read but do not post) may decide that they do not want to expose
>>> themselves to abuse and thus never get involved.
>>> Another problem is that the negative emotions stirred up by trolls leak
>>> over into other discussions. Normally affable people can become bitter
>>> after reading an angry interchange between a troll and his victims, and
>>> this can poison previously friendly interactions between long-time users.
>>> Finally, trolls create a paranoid environment, such that a casual
>>> criticism by a new arrival can elicit a ferocious and inappropriate
>>> backlash.
>>> The Internet is a wonderful resource which is breaking down barriers and
>>> stripping away prejudice. Trolls threaten our continued enjoyment of this
>>> beautiful forum for ideas.
>>> http://curezone.com/forums/troll.asp
>> Hi Terry!
>> What a great piece of text!  For me the troll strengthens my resolve,
>> however Ive had many (attempted) insults thrown at me which could have
>> been offensive to others.
>> The only good thing about the vulgarity or bad behavior of these odious
>> people is that its nice to see them squirm in their pit of insults and
>> bile as they desperately try to hold onto whatever living they make from
>> the products they are protecting.
>> Thanks for posting!
> They are doing a lot more than that these days.
> Because their products are crap, then need to deceive as well
> under the pretense of trolling.
> They engage in criminal abuse and then seek refuge
> from prosecution by hiding when challenged.
> Wouldn't you just love to see some of the order
> that is issued by their gestapo high command?
> Well its already available through court documents on line.
> Who knows what the courts will bring up tomorrow:
> Comes vs Microsoft lawsuit, Microsoft Evangelism document, PDF
> pages 45 & 55 on http://www.groklaw.net/pdf/Comes-3096.pdf

"In the face of strong competition, Evangelism's focus may shift immediately to
the next version of the same technology, however. Indeed, Phase 1 (Evangelism
Starts) for version x+1 may start as soon as this Final Release of version X."

"Working behind the scenes to orchestrate "independent" praise of our
technology, and damnation of the enemy's, is a key evangelism function during
the Slog. "Independent" analyst's report should be issued, praising your
technology and damning the competitors (or ignoring them). "Independent"
consultants should write columns and articles, give conference presentations
and moderate stacked panels, all on our behalf (and setting them up as experts
in the new technology, available for just $200/hour). "Independent" academic
sources should be cultivated and quoted (and research money
granted). "Independent" courseware providers should start profiting from their
early involvement in our technology. Every possible source of leverage should
be sought and turned to our advantage."

"A stacked panel, on the other hand, is like a stacked deck: it is packed with
people who, on the face of things, should be neutral, but who are in fact
strong supporters of our technology. The key to stacking a panel is being able
to choose the moderator. Most conference organizers allow the moderator to
select die panel, so if you can pick the moderator, you win. Since you can’t
expect representatives of our competitors to speak on your behalf, you have to
get the moderator to agree to having only “independent ISVs” on the panel. No
one from Microsoft or any other formal backer of the competing technologies
would be allowed -just ISVs who have to use this stuff in the “real world.”
Sounds marvellously independent doesn’t it? In feet, it allows us to stack the
panel with ISVs that back our cause. Thus, the “independent” panel ends up
telling the audience that our technology beats the others hands down. Get the
press to cover this panel, and you’ve got a major win on your hands."

"Diversionary tactics, holding action, and retreats may each seem contrary to
the achievement of the overall objective when considered solely in their own
terms, but taken in light of the overall conflict, may contribute to overall
success. In the Chinese Civil War that followed World War II, Mao Tse Tung's
Army ran away from every battle, until they won the war. They knew that
overall victory, not local victory, was the objective."

"Mind Control: To control mental output you have to control mental input.  Take
control of the channels by which developers receive information, then they can
only think about the things you tell them.  Thus, you control mindshare!"

This is all from Microsoft's own 'bible' that Bill Gates was aware of and
approved with enthusiasm. Marshall Goldberg, Microsoft's King of the  Shills
(along with James P) said so in their joint talk.

As Judge Jackson said, this company should have criminal charges brought
against it's people. It's beyond antitrust.

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

All that blue light from Orthanc at night? That was
Saruman, trying to moderate
- -- news.admin.palantir-abuse.sightings.
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