Pissing in COLA Hen House wrote:
> High Plains Thumper wrote:
>> William Poaster wrote:
>>> Tony Manco was heard to say:
>>>> Pissing in COLA Hen House wrote:
>>>>> Y
>>>> bibibibibi
>>>> /luser detected/
>>>> o
>>>> /|>
>>>> <\
>>>> pipipipi
>>>> target aiming
>>>> biiipbiiip
>>>> |
>>>> --- o ---
>>>> |
>>>> /target locked/
>>>> |
>>>> \o/
>>>> --- | ---
>>>> / \
>>>> |
>>>> titititi
>>>> plonkownia armed
>>>> FIRE!
>>>> wziut!!!
>>>> *PLONK*
>>>> /target plonked/
>>>> _
>>>> ( (
>>>> ____) \
>>>> (__) \__
>>>> (__)_______ TA-DA!
>>> Splendid!
>> Could add one step:
>> I-F-T
>> Identify - Friend or Troll
>> Hit switch:
>> bi-bo-bi-bo-bi-bo - Friend
>> bibibibibibibibibi - Troll
> <snipped> What you bitch? I see that your nose is open, your
> legs are open and your panties are wet. I am doing my job.
No sense of humour, sad for this trolling twat. Not only can it
not participate in the discussion as a normal human being would,
it has to insult as well. This is an example of:
Subject: 3.4 The nasty Troll
If anyone does anything which will interfere with the troll's
ability to cause mayhem, they can become very nasty, posting from
obviously incorrect variations of the name etc. insults, call
them netcops, netnannies, homosexuals. [...]
Subject: 4.5 Personal attacks on individuals and groups.
Selected individuals are subjected to quite vicious personal
attacks throughout usenet. Examples are: "XXXXs animals!" "is a
cannibal" "is a hermaphrodite!" "is a molester of boys" "in
panties gets XXXXed up the arse" "is a Nazi!" "is a cocksucking
queer" "is a hermaphrodite just like Maryanne Kehoe" "molests
boys on American Airlines" "Sexually harassed by" "is an anthrax
pervert" "AT GAY PARTY" "sucks his father's cock" "is a pervert"
"hated wherever he goes!" "White Racist" "Usenet spammer!"
"Usenet k00k!" "I hope you die SOON".
As will be seen several of these are libelous, and thus illegal.
Groups such as the regular posters are attacked similarly.