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Re: [News] Scandal in the MAFIAA vs TPB Case Runs Deeper

After takin' a swig o' grog, 7 belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

>> Judge Reviewing Pirate Bay Trial Bias Is Removed for Bias
> Wrong: He was removed for Bias^2
> If the original judge was removed for sqrt(Bias)
> then it follows that those judges that wax and wane
> are subject to pertubation by k*Sin(Bias) function where k
> is some random fudge factor that can be made larger
> or smaller depending on the connections you have with
> the media industry and any handouts you may get.
> Let k be a function of media handout function f and
> of the US dollar $. Then k can be expressed as
> k = f($).
> Now we can see how dollars turn into bias...
> k*Sin(Bias) is equilavent to f($)*Sin(Bias).
> But a simple bias function like that can wax and wane
> too much statistically between a positive and
> negative number. So to avoid that, you need judges
> with Bias^2 inserted into the judiciary.
> Squaring Bias removes all negative values.
> Now bias effect becomes [f($)*Sin(Bias)]^2
> And if you plot the graph of the above function
> using GNUplot, you will see that for all
> real numbers the bias effect is always positive for all
> positive values of $ (except 0) and whatever bias your
> judge may claim to have on your case publicly
> (unless his Bias is exactly 0 or some multiple of PI).


I award you 5 Official Hadron Doggie Drops® for that one, 7!

To get them, though, you will have to Suck Up® to Miguel de Icaza.

Q:	Why do the police always travel in threes?
A:	One to do the reading, one to do the writing, and the other keeps
	an eye on the two intellectuals.

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