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Re: [News] Scandal in the MAFIAA vs TPB Case Runs Deeper

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Judge Reviewing Pirate Bay Trial Bias Is Removed for Bias

Wrong: He was removed for Bias^2

If the original judge was removed for sqrt(Bias)
then it follows that those judges that wax and wane
are subject to pertubation by k*Sin(Bias) function where k
is some random fudge factor that can be made larger
or smaller depending on the connections you have with
the media industry and any handouts you may get.
Let k be a function of media handout function f and
of the US dollar $. Then k can be expressed as
k = f($).
Now we can see how dollars turn into bias...
k*Sin(Bias) is equilavent to f($)*Sin(Bias).

But a simple bias function like that can wax and wane
too much statistically between a positive and
negative number. So to avoid that, you need judges
with Bias^2 inserted into the judiciary.
Squaring Bias removes all negative values.

Now bias effect becomes [f($)*Sin(Bias)]^2
And if you plot the graph of the above function
using GNUplot, you will see that for all
real numbers the bias effect is always positive for all
positive values of $ (except 0) and whatever bias your
judge may claim to have on your case publicly
(unless his Bias is exactly 0 or some multiple of PI).

> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The judge assigned to review whether the trial judge in the Pirate Bay
> | trial was biased has now been removed ? for bias, of course.
> `----
> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/05

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