On Mon, 18 May 2009 00:10:54 UTC, Chris Ahlstrom
<ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, Rex Ballard belched out
> this bit o' wisdom:
> > Microsoft likes to quickly bury their failures. Windows NT 3.x and
> > Windows ME were also failures, and Microsoft went to some
> > extraordinary efforts to move people off the legacy product. Windows
> > NT 3.x machines were easily converted to Windows 95 machines, and
> > Microsotf tried hard to encourage businesses to use Windows 95 instead
> > of NT 3.1 OR Windows 3.1
> I don't know about that, but they did bring out a 95'ish desktop look for
> Win NT 4.
I actually have Windows NT 3.51 and WfWG 3.11 running quite well on
old IBM PS/2 machines, with 486 processors. I feel that these were
the last "good" windows that actually ran well before the Windows 95
"What do you mean there's no movie?"