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[News] New User Special of Linux Outlaws and New Linux.com

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Linux Outlaws 92 - New User Special

,----[ Quote ]
| MP3 - 1 hour 14 minutes 20 seconds, 34.0 MB, Ogg Vorbis version here — you 
| can also download all our episodes in both MP3 and Ogg Vorbis format from the 
| Outlaw Archives.  


The New Linux.com: A Review

,----[ Quote ]
| In conclusion, Linux.com is a great resource for the Linux community. It 
| connects people, it spreads information about upcoming events, and provides 
| information from all aspects of the Linux world  



Linux Foundation has bought Linux.com

,----[ Quote ]
| The Linux Foundation has long wanted the Linux.com domain name for obvious
| reasons. For a long time SourceForge, formerly VA Linux Systems, kept the
| site, but the company has now sold Linux.com to the Foundation.
| Sources close to the deal say that the deal was made because, -- an all too
| familiar story these days -- the company needed the money. SourceForge, had,
| in addition to its well-known open-source eponymous code Web site, been in
| the media business. In December 2008, however, the company laid off the bulk
| of its NewsForge editorial staff. NewsForge was hosted at Linux.com. The
| Linux.com site then became something of a placeholder site, which held only a
| discussion forum.


The Linux Foundation Unveils and Re-Launches Linux.com

,----[ Quote ]
| There's one little domain name out there that's had a wild ride this year. In
| January, a rather cryptic post went up on Linux.com, a SourceForge web
| property, that said updates had been slowing -- and were as of that point
| ceasing -- because changes were in the works. Then came the silence on the
| wire.



Linux Market to Triple by 2012

,----[ Quote ]
| Analyst firm Research and Markets has just put out a project on Linux-based
| server and client hardware sales, and is projecting that the market will more
| than triple between 2007 and 2012.  
| A market for a platform is not the same as an ecosystem for it, which is much
| larger in that it includes the cost of people and third-party software and
| services for the code that runs atop the platform. So the R&M Linux market
| numbers might seem a little small. In any event, the consultancy pegged the
| Linux product and services market for Linux running on servers and clients
| (but not embedded systems) at $2.4 billion in 2007.    

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