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Re: [News] iUnika's Cheap, Lightweight and Solar Powered ** LINUX** Netbooks

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

>>> I wonder why not Sugar.
>> Gnome is the alternative.  The initial desktop is still Sugar, but now they
>> give you an easier choice.
>> It took me a bit of tinkering to ditch Sugar in favor of Fluxbox, and still
>> have the keys and buttons do their thing.
> Sugar is not for adults; it's for young people's education.

My daughter played with the OLPC briefly, and quickly figured Sugar out,
and was playing synthesized music with it.

And she's a Windows user!

> Windows has the same thing. Kind of. It's called Windows XP... with the Fisher
> Price UI. It's come with SOLITAIRe!!!1111 

XP ain't too bad.  I don't like it, but many do.

It purportedly works great on netbooks... just ask Microsoft :-D

Q:	What do little WASPs want to be when they grow up?
A:	The very best person they can possibly be.

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