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Re: A Warning to Chris and Hadron

Tim Smith wrote:

> In article <7yTPl.42420$v8.26417@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ...
>> > On Sun, 17 May 2009 13:57:42 +0200, Hadron wrote:
>> >
>> >> It's probably Liarmutt and all the rest of Roy's arse kissers
>> >> refreshing the page waiting for more of his "advocacy" ....
> ...
>> That's about as good as Linux advocacy gets with the insane Quark troll.
> Both of you should spend a while reflecting on the sad case of Roy
> Culley.

According to timmytroll smith.

> He became obsessed over Erik Funkenbusch, and that obsession 
> apparently drove him somewhat insane.

According to timmytroll smith.

> He started responding to pretty 
> much everything Erik said  If Erik said something sensible (which he
> does most of the time),

Hahahaahahaa, bwwwwwwark, cough, spit, turn blue ........ ahh that was good,
nothing like a little belly laugh !

Erik is a ferking idiot, he's a troll, just like you.

> Culley would take the opposite position.

A sign of a *balanced* mind. Funkentroll is 100% anti Linux and everything I
have seen him post about Linux, is way off base.

> Culley  
> would constantly bring up old mistakes of Erik's.

I must have been asleep when you were taking the trolls to task for this
same activity on COLA ?

How many times has Flatfish, dfs, hadrongo, ezekill, claimed I use Telnet to
remotely admin clients Linux boxes, based on a fanciful recollection of
something I posted in 1997?

I'm sure you just wore your little troll fingers to the bone protesting to
them that their obsession with me would drive them insane.

> Culley created 
> aliases and used them to attack Erik.

According to timmytroll smith.

> He signed up to services in 
> Erik's name.

According to timmytroll smith.

> You are both in danger of becoming the next Culley.

According to timmytroll smith.

> Don't let that 
> happen.

Timmytroll is worried about Chris Ahlstrom, how sweet of him.

If we wish to reduce our ignorance, there are people we will
indeed listen to.  Trolls are not among those people, as trolls, more or
less by definition, *promote* ignorance.
          Kelsey Bjarnason, C.O.L.A. 2008

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