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Re: Gnote 0.3.1

On 2009-05-13, Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, Miguel de Icaza belched out
>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>> What you have to understand about COLA is that not one of them actually
>>> contributes to Linux or OSS.
>>> It's why they are calls "freetards".
>> They are the internet version of chickenhawks.
> Wow.  Miguel has no objection to Hadron's use of the phrase "freetards".
> Hell of way to treat your customers!

Miguel must be trying to alienate the last of the SuSE users by
aligning himself with the self-appointed "linux culling committee"
chairman and hater of all that is free and open. I'm not sure his
employer would approve, but that's something they'll have to deal with
whenever the time for layoffs comes around. At least he'll have his
resume padded with experience trolling when it's time to make the
lateral move to his employer's employer, M$.

Windows? WINDOWS?!? Hahahahahahehehe.....

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