Tim Smith wrote:
> I'd suggest putting your books in bookshelves. School books turn out to
> be useful long after school. If you actually go into the field that you
> studied in school, the books will often be a useful reference, at least
> for the first couple of years or so of your career.
That’s what my dad says whenever I ask him about the books and binders he
keeps on those metal shelves. But he also keeps FORTRAN programming books
from the ‘60s and ‘70s. He *never* uses that language on the job.
Programming courses were required for his major, though, along with the
dreaded humanities courses he hated.
> And if you go into a field that has nothing to do with what you studied
> in school, you will find that over time, you forget what you learned in
> school. Then, one day, out of nowhere, you'll come across something on
> the net that poses a problem, and you'll realize that you could have
> solved that when you in school, but no you have no clue how to do so.
> Then, you will decide its a shame you've forgotten all that
> {calculus|physics|17th century erotic french literature} you worked so
> hard and spent so much money to learn--and you will vow to relearn it.
> You will then be very happy that you saved you books from school.
I got 7 books (more like novels) for my environmental history class during
freshman year. (I had to take this course to fulfill a writing
requirement.) Just my luck, that class is not offered anymore. Soooo, I
couldn’t sell the books to the bookstore. They are on my bookshelf at the
moment, but I plan to give them away to the library. That’s what my friend
did with her old books.
I want a Kindle really badly, so I don’t have to deal with all of this
clutter of dead trees. Aging paper isn’t pleasant to keep due to smell.