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[News] Great New Reviews of Sabayon 4.1 and Linux Mint 6 KDE

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Sabayon 4.1 - A Linux monster (cute one) 

,----[ Quote ]
| Sabayon 4.1 is an incredible, unique distro. The fact it is Gentoo underneath 
| defies common sense. Gentoo usually takes a pint of virgin blood to get 
| going.   


Review: Linux Mint 6 KDE 

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall, despite it's late arrival (blame that on KDE, since the Devs were 
| waiting for the release of KDE 4.2 before they shipped the final version, 
| which IMHO was a wise choice), Mint 6 KDE is once again an excellent 
| distribution.     
| Admittedly it requires slightly beefier hardware than previous releases, but 
| given the natural life cycle of the vast majority of systems, this shouldn't 
| be an issue at all, as it'll work on all of the most common systems and 
| hardware specs.   
| And I am still going to say that Mint 6 KDE is user friendly, even though 
| KDE4 has a slightly larger learning curve than 3.5 did, and is still on the 
| upward swing towards full maturity.  But even so, the entire system is well 
| worth checking out and using.   



Press Release: Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 4.1 KDE

,----[ Quote ]
| Dedicated to those who like order over chaos, to those who like simplicity
| over complexity, to those who think that less is more, to those that just
| want more for less. Sabayon 4.1 will catch you, based on Sabayon 4 LiteMCE,
| represent what can be the future of our Operating System: just the best of
| the Out-Of-The-Box, KDE, multimedia applications and nothing more than what
| you need for your daily tasks, but what about your free time? We've got it.
| XBMC (formerly known as Xbox Media Center) 8.10 is what you've ever wanted to
| build up a fantastic HTPC or Internet Multimedia Box, so what's better than
| having it ready to use? Show off the new Sabayon Linux to your friends, they
| have no more excuses to not try it!


Sabayon 4.1 Gnome Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Sabayon Linux is a very full featured DVD sized distribution that is really
| catching on in the Linux community as of late. The most recent release,
| Sabayon 4.1 Gnome, includes some very impressive features, and applications.
| I installed Sabayon 4.1 Gnome this morning and found some great stuff, I
| really have nothing but good things to say about this up and coming Linux
| distro. You can buy Sabayon on DVD inside our shopping cart. A portion of
| each Sabayon DVD sale is donated to the Sabayon project.


Sabayon Linux 4.1 GNOME Edition Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Almost three months after the release of Sabayon Linux Lite MCE, Fabio
| Erculiani announced yesterday, April 13th, the immediate availability of a
| new edition, entitled Sabayon Linux 4.1 GNOME and based on the Lite MCE
| version. This GNOME edition of Sabayon Linux 4 brings a "ready to use"
| version of the powerful and popular XBMC Media Center, multimedia
| applications, a dark GNOME desktop environment and all the other apps you'll
| need. Sabayon Linux 4.1 GNOME is available for the x86 and x86_64
| architectures, featuring a custom Linux kernel with support for the
| EXT4 filesystem, which is enabled by default in the installer!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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