On 2009-05-01, Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, Sinister Midget III belched out
> this bit o' wisdom:
>> On 2009-04-30, SomeBloke <stuff@xxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>>> Note to DFS, Looney Lopez, Hardon Quack etc.
>>> A female is the other sex. I just thought I'd clear that up for you
>>> because you are almost certainly wondering.
>>> Heh!
>> Are you sure they won't think you mean the other hand?
> Ah, what they call "The Stranger"? Oh, my mistake:
> http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=the+stranger
I've heard it called "getting some strange" when people are said to
switch hands. But I never heard it called that before.
Still, I think the dumbtards probably take sleeping pills so their
hands go to sleep and they can pretend they're doing a dead one.
Kids-They're not sleeping, they're recharging!
Eee PC900 16G SSD 2G RAM Ubuntu 9.04