On 2009-05-01, William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 23:02:41 -0500, above the shrieking & whining of the
> trolls, Sinister Midget III was heard to say:
>> On 2009-04-30, SomeBloke <stuff@xxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>>> Note to DFS, Looney Lopez, Hardon Quack etc.
>>> A female is the other sex. I just thought I'd clear that up for you
>>> because you are almost certainly wondering.
>>> Heh!
>> Are you sure they won't think you mean the other hand?
> You mean the one they send Valentine cards to on Feb 14th?
On Family Guy, Mayor Adam West was getting married to his hand. When it
was asked if there were objections, the other hand raised up. Mayor
West said, "You be quiet! You had your chance."
The Windopes have probably found themselves in similar situations more
than a couple of times. Or, like in the case of Qook, _BOTH_ hands
turned him down for matrimony/dating for being a disgusting, vile POS.
1232: The octal number of the Beast