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Re: [News] Details About Microsoft's Fear of GNU/Linux, as Expressed in SEC Filing

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Microsoft Hit by Open Source and Lawmakers
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft had to report a 30% slump in sales for the last quarter. Their
> | report to the U.S. SEC includes a rundown of their risk and competition
> | factors. Among their concerns are Linux and open source untertakings,
> | but also their own partners HP and Intel.
> `----
> http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/News

Micoshaft names Intel and HP and their enemies in 10K filing

Micoshaft has been forced to name Intel and HP and their enemies
in 10K filing because they are actively engaged in producing competing Linux
operating systems and netbooks that take chunks out chunks of
revenue from windummy market so that they can keep it to themselves.

The usual practice of micoshaft sales plops sneaking into big corporation
taking down names and taking photos of Linux businessmen and Linux
sales staff like they did with Del and Walmart is not working
for them any more.

These Micoshaft Gestapo / Stazi style tactics came out in Comes v Micoshaft
court case documents. If the Del/Walmart security staff and the Linux
engineers and Linux business directors knew what micoshaft
sales plops were doing in their building, its highly likely the micoshaft
sales plops would have been cornered and got their heads kicked in.
Countless Linux staff in Del and Walmart have lost their
jobs because of what micoshaft did and have received
no compensation for it - which they could have done if all
the information was available to hand and they sued straight
away. Big corporations need to video tape all meetings
with micoshaft sales plops and put the perverts on display
when they when they go to court cases. And make sure micoshaft
sales plops are not allowed near any researchers, and sales staff,
and ALWAYS escorted them in and out of any of your buildings.
And also make sure micosahft sales plops sign the MOST RESTRICTIVE
and discriminatory NDAs in the business that also forces them
to fess up and to hand over ANY documents micoshaft keep on HP and Intel
staff, and its subsidiaries, suppliers and its retailers.

That should be fun to watch.

> US 'renews' Microsoft share probe
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The US financial watchdog, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),
> | has reopened an insider trading inquiry into Microsoft, reports say.
> `----
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7819220.stm
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