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[News] Vista 7 a Ripoff in the UK, Microsoft Tries to Tax GNU/Linux

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Windows 7 upgrade rip-off for UK customers

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft imposes 100% price hike


They give the illusion Vista 7 is worth something and then bundle it with PCs
to make it look like a bargain. At the same time, those bullies use
racketeering tactics to tax Linux:

Câmon Steveâ

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, along comes Linux, and they say, âwe have no price,â which of course, 
| we know for IP and other reasons, of course they have a price. But they 
| say âwe have no price.â  
| Notice how Steve diverts the attention of the public from the real issue 
| here: money. 
| What Steve here tries to underline - as he has done in oh-so-many-occasions - 
| is the fact that everything has a price. If his company sells, then by  
| comparison, what is free must also have a price. You see, for Steve is 
| crucial that the consumers get brainwashed with this idea. Otherwise they 
| could all just wake up one day and say âhey - what have we been paying for 
| all this time? Why can Linux be free?â    
| So this is the story of the happy little âintelectual propertyâ fairy.
| Steve used to call Linux users âcommunistsâ. Linux used to be a âcancerâ. Do 
| you know what communists do? They monopolize people. 
| Sounds familiar?


Microsoft is the next SCO.


Windows 7: 83% Of Businesses Won't Deploy Next Year

,----[ Quote ]
| The survey, of more than 1,100 IT professionals, is one of the first
| extensive looks at Windows 7's early sales prospects. It found that a
| whopping 83% of enterprises plan to skip the OS in its first year. While the
| business market typically tends toward caution when it comes to new products,
| the figure is nonetheless surprising given that almost no large companies
| migrated to Vista and as a result most have been using XP much longer than
| planned.
| [...]
| The open source Linux OS also could benefit from slow uptake of Windows 7 in
| the enterprise market, as could Google's Android OS -- which some computer
| makers are reportedly testing as a netbook platform. Fifty percent of those
| surveyed by Dimensional Research said they've considered switching to a
| non-Windows OS to avoid Vista or Windows 7

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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