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[News] Free Software and Linux Quietly Enter Many Millions of Homes, via TV

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Open Source Television

,----[ Quote ]
| What makes the LINK such a compelling platform for these folks and Linux/open 
| source developers in general is the recognition that a real business entity 
| is stepping forward to spend the money necessary to market and commercialize 
| what tech enthusiasts have been doing for years. Like the early days of 
| homebrew computing, it wasn't until small computer company startups like 
| Apple and Microsoft came along to validate the computer market did such a 
| market blossom beyond the basement.      


Linux-Friendly, Internet-Enabled HDTVs?

,----[ Quote ]
| mrchaotica writes "I'm in the market for a new HDTV (in the 
| $1200-or-slightly-more range, as I won the extended-service-plan lottery and 
| have a Sears store credit). Several of the TVs I've looked at have 
| various 'Internet TV' features (here are Samsung's and Panasonic's). Some 
| manufacturers appear to be rolling their own, while others are partnering 
| with Yahoo (maybe in an attempt to create a 'standard?'). Moreover, these TVs 
| also tend to run Linux under the hood (although their GPL compliance, such as 
| in Panasonic's case, may leave something to be desired). Finally, it's easy 
| to imagine these TVs being able to support video streaming services (YouTube, 
| Netflix, Amazon, etc.) without a set-top box, but I don't know the extent to 
| which that support actually exists. Here are my questions: 1) Is 
| this 'Internet TV' thing going to be a big deal going forward, or just a 
| gimmick? 2) Which manufacturers are most [open standard|Linux|
| hacker]-friendly? 3) Which TV models have the best support (or best potential 
| and community backing) for this sort of thing?"              



Taming a power-sucking Linux TV

,----[ Quote ]
| The EPA may re-consider its exemption of "Data Acquisition Mode" (DAM) states
| from the sleep-mode requirements associated with its Energy Star ratings. So
| it told noted cryptographer Martin Hellman, who informed the EPA his
| Linux-based Sony HDTV consumed 150 times its advertised standby power budget.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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