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[News] Patent Bubble Explained, Pharmaceutical Exploitation

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USPTO Getting Paupers To Hand Over Thousands On The Dream Of Patent Wealth


Patent Office Keeps Check, Lets Patent Go Abandoned For Being $10 Short

,----[ Quote ]
| Jorge Taylor had a patent for a chemical sealant device for repairing flat 
| tires (U.S. Pat. No. 5,178,701) and had to pay the seven-and-a-half-year 
| maintenance fee of $1040. But, Mr. Taylor sent a check for $1030, rather than 
| $1040, in the mail and used the wrong form for transmitting his payment, and 
| sent it to the Applications Branch rather than the Maintenance Fee branch â 
| sort of a hat trick of errors.     


Pharma biz fingers tech firm over patents

,----[ Quote ]
| PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY BTG is trying to stop certain computer products from 
| reaching American shores because they infringe on some of its patents. 



Patenting the Barcode of Life

,----[ Quote ]
| DNA barcoding is such a powerful idea that the parasites have moved in, and
| started trying to *patent* bits of the idea:
| Â Â Systematic and phylogenetics, indeed much of evolutionary science, has
| Â Â long and great tradition of making resources and knowledge freely
| Â Â available to other resources. Instead of cash, all an author asks for is
| Â Â a citation or a credit. Therefore, it sounded incredulous to me that one
| Â Â researcher was trying to patent a DNA barcode snippet for a plant gene
| Â Â that was being worked on over several years by a large group of
| Â Â researchers.
| It's a classic situation: not only are scientific techniques being patented,
| they are techniques that are well established and have been used for years -
| something that is explicitly excluded even in the most deranged patent
| regimes. And people say the system is working just fine...

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