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Re: ARM-based Smartbooks are on the way

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____/ Dave U. Random on Thursday 13 August 2009 14:45 : \____

> http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/1496002/arm-smartbooks-hit-
> shops
> The ARM-based Smartbooks running Linux will be with us the coming
> months. They are poised to snuff out the Windows 7 Intel-based Netbooks
> within two years and increasing Linux's marketshare to 15% during that
> time.
> Microsoft is howling since it knows its end is coming but it can't stop
> it. Intel too is re-examining its flawed strategy of pushing x86 into
> the mobile phone and consumer electronics market. My guess it that
> Intel, damaged by huge losses in the mobile space, will again license
> ARM cores to try to turn the tide. They will fail and die.

Watch how much FUD Microsoft throws at ARM in the press. Whenever you see a
company attacked by Microsoft (and its minions) you should go like, "yes, they
*ARE* a threat to Microsoft".

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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