On Thu, 13 Aug 2009 11:35:52 -0700, JeffM wrote:
> Terry Porter wrote:
>>[upgrade from XP to Vista7 nightmare detailed]
>>Openoffice (Office Sweet)
>Yes, the suite is sweet. 8-)
Lol, ... oops!
>>gEDA (schematic capture)
>>PCB (layout printed circuit boards)
> I miss Terry's advocacy for gEDA over in sci.electronics.design, posting
> links to images of his output. Sadly, he put them up on his ISP's site
> and has changed providers several times since, so all is now lost.
I'm fairly sure it's all archived here, and as I now have a hosted server
in the USA, I can put it all up again. I'll post the url on SED when it's
done :)
> In a category that can be VERY expensive, the most affordable closed
> source equivalent I know of is Cadsoft EAGLE.
> $600 for schematic capture
> $600 for the PCB layout editor
> $600 for the autorouter
> ...and Cadsoft is now in the DRM business:
I'm a Orcad lover from the old days of MSDOS, and Gschem is so similar.
> **The Downside of EAGLE** by Markus Zingg
> http://groups.google.com/group/comp.arch.embedded/browse_frm/thread/
> http://tinyurl.com/TheEAGLE-Virus
> news:78euj21drn535debo3h6ks91hh2n1uol6q@xxxxxxx
Wow. This is yet another *compelling* reason to use Free Software. The
days of using Windows and Windows applications being used because they're
perceived as 'better' are disappearing fast.
I can still exchange my schematic and pcb designs from a decade ago with
anyone I like!
> ...and if gEDA doesn't suit you, there's (FOSS) KiCAD and for an even
> lighter FOSS environment, there's TinyCAD
Not bad, if one is into Windows!
Protel people would feel right at home I would think.
>/ FreePCB.
No that one looks a lot like a Windows version of PCB ?
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