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Re: Upgrading Linux Fedora 11 v/s upgrading to Vista7

Terry Porter wrote:
>[upgrade from XP to Vista7 nightmare detailed]
>Step 2) Backup *all* your Windows data:
>[...]which is usually located anywhere the Windows app wants it
Joerg, over on s.e.d, described trying gEDA
and was bitching about how logical the filesystem was
and how it wouldn't allow him to do things the inconvenient way
with crap spread all over the place.
(He's thoroughly assimilated into the Windoze mindset.)
>[. . .]
>I just upgraded from Gentoo Linux to Fedora 11 Linux
>5) Re install my applications.
>[...]package manager[...]
>No fees, no passwords, no activation, as they are all FREE.
>Here are just a few:-
>Openoffice (Office Sweet)
Yes, the suite is sweet.  8-)

>gEDA (schematic capture)
>PCB (layout printed circuit boards)
I miss Terry's advocacy for gEDA over in sci.electronics.design,
posting links to images of his output.
Sadly, he put them up on his ISP's site
and has changed providers several times since,
so all is now lost.

In a category that can be VERY expensive,
the most affordable closed source equivalent I know of
is Cadsoft EAGLE.
$600 for schematic capture
$600 for the PCB layout editor
$600 for the autorouter

...and Cadsoft is now in the DRM business:
 **The Downside of EAGLE**  by Markus Zingg

...and if gEDA doesn't suit you, there's (FOSS) KiCAD
and for an even lighter FOSS environment,
there's TinyCAD / FreePCB.

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