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Re: [News] [Rival] Guardian Editor on the (Likely) Imminent Death of Microsoft Zune

On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 02:19:12 +0100, Homer wrote:

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> ____/ Sermo Malifer on Sunday 09 August 2009 21:32 : \____
>>> I hate to do it, but I've got to plonk you Roy.   You do post some
>>> interesting stuff, but you flood the group without giving any
>>> opportunity for answer or debate about the things you post.  This is
>>> supposed to be a discussion group, not the Roy Schestowitz mailing
>>> list!
> And how exactly does a post to an unmoderated Newsgroup preclude the
> "opportunity for answer or debate"?

Were not talking about "a post," we're talking about a flood of posts, 
each usually with multiple subjects within. 

>> It shows how the company which has been suing Linux (TomTom, Melco,
>> probably SCO) is falling into oblivion.
> It also subsequently exposes those who feel uncomfortable about these
> discussions, and thus their true motives.
> As the biggest threat to Linux (and everything else in IT), discussions
> about Microsoft are extremely pertinent to the charter of considering
> the "Benefits of Linux compared to other operating systems".
> These are discussions that everyone is free to participate in, or
> ignore, at their discretion - 

No, these are flood waters that drown out participation in this group.  
No opportunity is given to discuss them before the next deluge pours 
in.   It's obvious that not even Roy himself is taking the time to read 
or analyze the stuff he posts here, let alone discuss his own posts!

> even "Sermo". Equally, everyone is free to
> participate in or ignore "Sermo's" contribution to that discussion,
> assuming he has any, beyond dictating that we shouldn't have it.

It seems you chose to blindly attack me instead of taking the time to 
understand what I wrote.

I am dictating nothing.  I am making reasonable request.   As I said, 
I'll have to plonk Roy, even though I hate to do it.

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