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[News] Foresight Linux Takes New Direction

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A possible change of direction for Foresight Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| I think that Foresight needs to be based on an upstream distro that is 
| regularly fully updated and refreshed, and that is maintained by distro 
| specialists with experience and expertise that is just plain missing within 
| the Foresight development community.  That distro needs to be imported into a 
| Conary repository; that will allow Foresight to continue to use Conary to 
| manage the process of building a set of consistent modifications relative to 
| that upstream distro, providing a true rolling release.  That would allow 
| Foresight developers to concentrate on only the problems inherent in 
| integrating the very latest development source against a recent base that is 
| relatively close to the basis on which the software is maintained.         



Foresight Linux 2.2.1

,----[ Quote ]
| From the testing that I could do, Foresight it a quite good distro, and
| certainly very polished and clean.


Foresight Linux 2.1.1 is out and about!

,----[ Quote ]
| It is with great pleasure that I announce the release of Foresight 2.1.1.
| Well known for being a desktop operating system featuring an intuitive user
| interface and a showcase of the latest desktop software, this new release
| brings you the latest GNOME 2.26.1 release, a newer Linux kernel 2.6.29, a
| revamped notification area, and a ton of Xorg improvements!


Foresight Linux 2.1.1 Has GNOME 2.26.1

,----[ Quote ]
| The Foresight Linux Project team announced, on May 15th, the immediate
| availability of a new version of their Linux distribution. Foresight Linux
| 2.1.1, coming three months after the 2.1.0 release, brings notable changes,
| including the latest GNOME desktop environment and a new Linux kernel.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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