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[News] Fog Computing Risk to Free Software (and to Microsoft) Noted

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The people's cloud

,----[ Quote ]
| John Suffolk's (the Cabinet Office CIO) generously replied to my questions 
| posed in last week's blog. G-Cloud is 'go' and it will be a Private Cloud, 
| based on Open Standards and will use a mix of proprietary and (free?) open 
| source software. All I reckon is left it to see whether it's stitched 
| together by Microsoft's technology or Red Hat's.    
| [...]
| Our great Free, Open Source guru Richard Stallman dislikes the Cloud concept. 
| He sees it as a way to hand over your freedom to proprietarists and to get 
| locked into someone else's computing paradigm. Many including this author 
| agree with him. Below though is a manifesto for a 'good' cloud that would 
| benefit the businesses and citizens of the UK without loss of rights and 
| freedoms.     


With SpringSource Buy, VMware Constructs Cloud Platform

,----[ Quote ]
| The talk of CloudWorld this week was VMware's acquisition of SpringSource. 
| The top-of-mind chatter focused on the price: $400 million plus, a very large 
| sum for a company doing perhaps $25 million in revenues. Certainly there was 
| a good bit of envy in this type of conversation. And, of course, the fact 
| that SpringSource is an open source company further makes the number even 
| more eye-watering.     


Open Source Micro-Blogging: The Key to Avoiding Another âTwitpocalypseâ

,----[ Quote ]
| Proponents of the Open Micro-Blogging movement believe itâs time for Twitter 
| to become an open source platform to allow other players into the space, and 
| ensure resiliency and redundancy in the micro-blogging world.  



Open-source, Proprietary Vendors Partner on Cloud BI

,----[ Quote ]
| Four open-source and proprietary vendors on Wednesday announced a new
| partnership resulting in a cloud-based BI (business intelligence) stack.


Keep an eye on your own open source cloud environment

,----[ Quote ]
| Want to live in the cloud but donât quite trust it? SourceForge's open source
| project of the month for August may be for you! eyeos is a self-hosted cloud
| operating environment for business, schools and home built in PHP.


Windows losing out to Web-centric development?

,----[ Quote ]
| Due to the fast growth of open frameworks, it's no surprise that the
| developer is faced with a new dilemma. It's not "which OS should I write to?"
| anymore. It's now "which Web-centric tool will help me develop the best
| application?" From the perspective of the developer, this is a much
| friendlier environment.


Open Source or Cloud?

,----[ Quote ]
| Of course, many cloud providers run their environments on open source
| software, so many cloud customers will end up indirectly using open source as
| well. But when seeking faster, cheaper solutions, organizations will need to
| examine the pros and cons of going with an on-premise open source solution,
| versus a pay-as-you-go cloud solution. ÂThis may be the next big software
| question of the new decade around the corner.


Stallman vs. Clouds

,----[ Quote ]
| Still, I think that RMS is onto something. The core promise of computing,
| even on a vast network that connects us all, is autonomy and independence.
| It's being free (as in freedom) to operate on your own, and to share what's
| meant to be shared in ways that nobody else can control, and to improve
| useful goods in ways that work for everybody. There are, in those core
| values, imperatives that seem at odds with the dependencies that "cloud
| computing" can sometimes involve.

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