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[News] Microsoft Still Abuses Windows Monopoly to Discriminate Against Firefox

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Mozilla to EC: Microsoft Getting Off Too Easy

,----[ Quote ]
| As a settlement looms in Microsoft's tÃte-Ã-tÃte with the European Commission 
| (EC) over bundling Internet Explorer (IE) with Windows, one of the software 
| giant's arch rivals has weighed in with a calculated blogging campaign.  


Mozilla: MSFT Must Compromise More

,----[ Quote ]
| Meanwhile, Anderson said he was blogging to call out "deficiencies" in 
| Microsoft's proposal. 
| "When IE is not the default, any launch of IE, user intended/initiated or 
| not, may prompt the user to restore IE as his default browser," Anderson said 
| in a Tuesday blog post. He also said that Microsoft should not be allowed to 
| fire up IE from within an application -- even Microsoft apps like the Office 
| suite -- whenever a browser function is needed.    
| "If Microsoft applications need to launch a browser, they should only launch 
| the userâs default browser," Anderson added. 
| "The European Commission is reviewing the proposals we submitted July 24, and 
| it's important that public feedback be part of that process. While we may not 
| align on every specific point, we welcome Mozillaâs input and find their 
| perspectives constructive. We look forward to the next steps in the 
| Commission's review," Microsoft spokesperson Kevin Kutz, said in an e-mail.    
| The Mozilla blog posts appear to be timed to impact settlement talks going on 
| between Microsoft and the EC -- the EU's executive branch.  



Opera CEO von Tetzchner: Microsoft's IE8 'turn-off' is not enough

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the weekend, Microsoft revealed that in its latest private beta build of
| Windows 7, it will allow users to uninstall the Internet Explorer 8 Web
| browser front end -- a choice it has never offered to consumers since version
| 3.0. The fact that since 1996, the presence of IE in Windows was elevated to
| such an extent that users could not completely uninstall it, nor could they
| ever entirely avoid it, has been credited by many as the real reason for
| Microsoft being perceived as having won the browser war against Netscape.
| [...]
| Oslo, Norway-based Opera Software's stance against Microsoft on the topic of
| Web browser competition is very well known, especially after having filed an
| antitrust complaint against it in December 2007. Microsoft's latest move
| could give Opera a bit of a break. But as Opera CEO Jon S. von Tetzchner told
| Betanews this evening from overseas, he sees this move as a positive signal,
| but not anywhere close to a reparation for the years of damage he believes
| Internet Explorer has caused to the browser market, as well as to the Web as
| a whole.

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