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Re: [News] Details on BBC's Documentary on Free Software; Free Software "Hall of Famers"

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____/ Homer on Saturday 22 August 2009 01:38 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Tony(UK) spake thusly:
>> The Beeb is a lot of things, but it is not, and likely never will be,
>> Open Source anything.
> This was not always the case:
> [quote]
> Reliability drives Linux use at BBC
> Posted:
> 14:33 19 Apr 2004
> Reliability and the ability to change code, rather than cost, are
> driving the increased use of Linux at the BBC, according to Damion
> Yates, team leader of internet operations at BBC Technology.
> Speaking ahead of his presentation at the Linux User and Developer Expo
> in London tomorrow, Yates told Computer Weekly that Linux is being used
> on several projects even though there is no overall BBC strategy to
> support open source technology.
> "Every time that a project is considered, we review the best technology
> possible - Linux often wins, particularly on small-scale projects," he
> said. "The most mission-critical area we are using Linux for is the
> digital text service on Freeview [the red button services on interactive
> TV]."
> Although Linux has lower licensing costs than alternatives such as
> Windows, the BBC is using it because of technological benefits, Yates said.
> "The key benefits are the reliability - our servers that run on Linux
> have been highly available," he said. "Another benefit is that we can
> change the code to use it as we wish, it is not about cost. In fact, we
> do not mind paying for a licence if we are allowed to change the code."
> Different departments within the BBC have had varying levels of success
> with the adoption of Linux, largely due to support issues, Yates said.
> "The internet division contains 15 to 20 Unix engineers, who can support
> any flavour, including Linux," he said.
> [/quote]
> Of course, this was in the days before Erik Huggers and the rest of the
> Vole's minions infested the BBC.
> Then there's this:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/opensource/
> You may notice that, thanks to people like Huggers, it states "we're no
> longer updating this page".
> Another "threat" squashed by Microsoft's goons.

This is part of Microsoft's strategy:

,----[ Quote ]
| [...]
| What to Do?
|     * Ask the partner to give you heads up on customer situations â bribe 
|     them! 
| [...]
| Find and Lean on your insider friend, âthe foxâ. Having a trusted MSfriend in 
| the account is critical. Some people (unix Bigots) can think of lots of 
| reasons to not have a MS solution. MS folks may not be the strongest voice 
| but they are true believers (Protect them, make them look good).   

- From Comes vs Microsoft [PDF]:


- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Competely pointless fact of the day: One of my rats is called Solaris, due
to the fact it's fat and bloated. The other is called Perl. It's a nervous
insane little animal. -- Ashley Penney
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