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Re: Stick to Linux for best battery life

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____/ Terry Porter on Tuesday 25 August 2009 08:31 : \____

> On Mon, 24 Aug 2009 22:35:14 -0600, High Plains Thumper wrote:
>> It looks like Windows 7 shares the same basic complaints with Vista,
>> shortened battery life on laptops.
>> [quote]
>> Windows 7 worse on netbook battery life than XP?
>> Complaints roll in about run times, but one analyst says it's too early
>> to condemn new OS
>> By Eric Lai
>> August 24, 2009 05:54 PM ET
>> Computerworld - Windows 7 cuts almost a third off the battery life of
>> some netbooks shipping today with Windows XP, several recent reviews and
>> user reports say.
>> Laptop magazine reported in its blog on Monday that during a recent
>> test, a Toshiba netbook lost 2.5 hours of battery life when running
>> Windows 7 instead of XP, or about 30% (6:53 for Windows 7, versus 9:24
>> for XP).
>> Web site Tom's Hardware found last month that an Acer Aspire One netbook
>> running Windows 7's release candidate lasted 2.5 hours less than when it
>> ran Windows XP Service Pack 3 (5:54 versus 8:28, when both were at a
>> low-power idle state). [/quote]
>> http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9137056/
> Windows_7_worse_on_netbook_battery_life_than_XP_?source=rss_news
>> http://tinyurl.com/nh8aaf
> hahahahaahahahahahahahahah ....
> Oh what a surprise, Vista7 isn't better, faster, cleaner, leaner etc, its
> sole purpose for being is to GET YOUR MONEY!

As claimed the other day (found in Google News), "there simply aren't that many
new features in 7. I maintain the suspicion that the whole Windows Mojave
experiment was just a ploy by Microsoft to see if they could get away with
repackaging and renaming Vista with only a few minor improvements. No more
improvement than I would expect with each subsequent release of Ubuntu. The
difference is that Ubuntu takes six months to put out a new release, and
Microsoft takes at least two years."

Source: http://www.nillabyte.com/blog.php?b=203

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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