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[News] Fun with Software and Games on GNU/Linux

  • Subject: [News] Fun with Software and Games on GNU/Linux
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 00:24:21 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

FLOSS Weekly 86: Ardour

,----[ Quote ]
| Ardour, the digital audio workstation and recording software.


No Windows support. Linux, on the other hand, runs 'Windows games'...

Max Payne - Welcome to despair

,----[ Quote ]
| Max Payne was definitely a revolution in its time, when it was released back in 2001. 
| Even today, Max Payne is a great title. The graphics is quite reasonable, but most 
| importantly, the unique quality of the gameplay remains virtually unmatched. I play the 
| game every now and then, fighting my way through yet another career as the bitter police 
| detective Payne.
| If you have the mental capacity to separate computer games from real life, Max Payne is 
| an excellent pasttime activity, especially if it's stormy or rainy outside and you can't 
| go for a nice little hike. Channel all that pent up frustration from sitting locked in a 
| tight cubic all day hammering on the keyboard, into annihilating the New York 
| underground. In that regard, Max Payne is the perfect stress relief. 



Fall In Love With Ardour's Digital Audio Workstation

,----[ Quote ]
| For many people, a simple audio editor like Audacity is fine for recording,
| splitting, converting and manipulating audio files. Some folks, though, need
| an app that can handle more involved projects. Ardour is a digital audio
| workstation that's designed for musicians, podcasters, voice actors, editors,
| and anyone who needs full-blown professional software with all the bells and
| whistles.


Ardour 2.8 released â Install with One Click on Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| A more than a month ago, Ardour project lose his major sponsor SAE (SAE
| Institute originally the School of Audio Engineering) but we are happy to
| announce that development is going strong and the 3.0 version will follow in
| near feature. Development is now supported mainly by donations and everybody
| is invited to donate to this very important and powerful, free open source
| professional music software for Linux and MacOS.


Ardour 2.7 released

,----[ Quote ]
| The new version of Ardour â the most advanced digital audio workstation for
| Linux â was announced today.



SAE Institute of Technology Sponsors Ardour Open-Source DAW Project

,----[ Quote ]
| SAE Institute has agreed to become a corporate sponsor of Ardour,
| the open source digital audio workstation project.


Ardour 2.0 : A Brief Practical Introduction

,----[ Quote ]
| Ardour is a very popular Linux audio application. Ardour empowers
| a new generation of digital audio recordists. It rivals expensive
| and proprietary programs available only for specific hardware
| platforms, and it remains open-source and freely available
| software. Its expanding community of users and developers is
| lively and helpful, and many of the program's features have
| evolved from discussions and debates held on Ardour's mail-lists
| and IRC chat channels. Maintaining a project of Ardour's scope is
| no mean feat, and chief architect Paul Davis is justly respected
| as much for his team management prowess as for his coding skills.
| The project is an especially successful example of "distributed
| development with benevolent dictatorship", much like Linux itself.


2.0 released for OS X and Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Nearly 2 years of work have gone into this new version. Along the way a
| huge number of bugs were fixed, performance and workflow were improved,
| and many new features were added.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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