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[News] Health 'Care' AstroTurf Steals the Vote

  • Subject: [News] Health 'Care' AstroTurf Steals the Vote
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 11:29:34 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform

,----[ Quote ]
| It is easy to think of efforts to influence lawmakers as the 
| exclusive domain of K Street lobbyists. Much has been said 
| and written about the millions of dollars the special 
| interests are spending on lobbying activities and the 
| hundreds of lobbyists who are at work as we speak trying to 
| shape health care reform legislation. Very little by 
| comparison has been written about the millions of dollars 
| that special interests are spending on PR activities to 
| accomplish the same goal and that are vital to successful 
| lobbying efforts.


Size Matters, Reality Doesn't

,----[ Quote ]
| After some conservative bloggers wrote that they believe 
| allies' guesstimates over official reports, CJR asked 
| whether "the point of the whole exercise on Saturday was 
| not, apparently, to gather a crowd in the numeric sense" but 
| "to gather a crowd in the symbolic sense."


P.S. to the Tea Party Express

,----[ Quote ]
| Blogger Lindsay Beyerstein reports that BusBank, "one of the 
| featured corporate sponsors of the Tea Party Express had to 
| pay millions of dollars to settle lawsuits for its role in a 
| bus fire that killed 23 elderly nursing home residents 
| fleeing Hurricane Rita in 2005."


Revolving door for health care aides

,----[ Quote ]
| Some of the most influential aides in the closed-door Senate 
| Finance Committee negotiations over health care reform have 
| ties to interests that would be directly affected by the 
| legislation.


Wendell Potter: Public Option Essential, Baucus Plan An "Absolute Gift" To Health Insurance Industry (VIDEO)

,----[ Quote ]
| 'Contrary to the misinformation being disseminated by the 
| health insurance industry and its allies, the public 
| insurance option would not have a competitive advantage over 
| private plans," Potter told the committee. "It would have to 
| meet the same benefit requirements and comply with the same 
| insurance market reforms as private plans. "



Obama speech disrupter a health industry darling

,----[ Quote ]
| At that point the president was interrupted by Rep. Addison Graves âJoeâ
| Wilson (right), a Republican from South Carolina.
| âYou lie!â Wilson shouted from the crowd.
| Obama paused for a moment before continuing his address as Wilsonâs
| colleagues looked on in shock following the breach of protocol.
| Whether because of his outspokenness or in spite of it, Wilson is a
| major recipient of contributions from the health care industry.

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