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Re: [News] [Rival] "Linux" a Forbidden Word After Microsoft's "Jihad" Against It (Bill Gates' Words)

Hash: SHA1

____/ 7 on Saturday 19 Sep 2009 04:04 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Internet radio exec: donât mention Linux!
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Speaking at the launch of the touchscreen Pure Sensia
>> | digital radio, director of marketing Colin Crawford was
>> | pressed for specifics of the new deviceâs software. But
>> | after his CEO reminded him that the new radio was based on
>> | a Linux OS, Crawford remarked: âI donât like the using the
>> | word âLinuxâ on a radio.â
>> | 
>> | Why did the Scot in the sharp suit go queasy at the very
>> | mention of Linux? His reluctance may be borne out of
>> | perceived consumer antipathy towards versions of the open-
>> | source operating system. PC retailers have largely
>> | retreated from Linux-based netbooks following reports of
>> | consumer confusion and a marketing onslaught from
>> | Microsoft, which has persuaded manufacturers such as
>> | netbook pioneer Asus to drop Linux in favour of Windows XP.
> Thats lost them vast tons of sales with huge inventory build
> up at retailers and huge build up of inventory of CPUs at Intel.
> Nobody wants to buy windump netbooks.
> Nobody should - its too slow. Its better to learn Linux
> than suffocate with a useless windump netbook.
> And despite the lies with NPD false statistics and claims
> Linux netbooks are still selling 30 - 40% of all netbooks.
> The smartbooks are coming and they are under $100 and
> windump can never work on it - so Linux is the best option
> to learn for them too.

NPD relies on channel-stuffing where it suits it and also measures
_just US supplies_ at particular stores. It has clients; it doesn't 
do surveys for 'fun'.

>> http://www.pcpro.co.uk/blogs/2009/09/18/internet-radio-exec-dont-mention-
> linux/
>> Related:
>> Microsoft's risky, misleading ad campaign
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Campbell's so slick, I wouldn't be surprised to see him out hitting the
>> | campaign trail for Microsoft's OOXML efforts.
>> | 
>> | Regardless, there are still uneducated people that think of open source
>> | and Linux as one open-source project as "science projects" and "risky."
>> | Apparently they think it's less risky to give away control of their IT
>> | to a vendor based on a few flashy demos from a sales engineer. They will
>> | learn in time.
>> | 
>> | For now, repeat after me: The real risk is in proprietary software.
>> | Period.
>> `----
> http://blogs.cnet.com/8301-13505_1-9791652-16.html?part=rss&tag=feed&subj=TheOpenRoad
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		~~ Best of wishes

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