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Re: [News] [Rival] Analysts: Vista 7 Will Not Increase Sales

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____/ Chris Ahlstrom on Saturday 26 Sep 2009 16:18 : \____

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Gordon belched out
>   this bit o' wisdom:
>>> Windows 7 will not kick-start PC sales
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>> | Digitimes, which has been chatting with analysts, found
>>> | that none of them thought that people will rush to
>>> | replace their PCs this year.
>>> `----
>> Considering XP is now in support until 2014, I would be surprised if
>> many businesses change OS in the near future...
> They might end up running corporate XP images in Vista or Win 7.

Or Linux on the same machines. KDE 4, 5, 6... 

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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it in liquid nitrogen first, it arrives on the other side fully cooked.
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