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[News] New Audiocasts Published by the Tonne, Linux Advert on Radio

  • Subject: [News] New Audiocasts Published by the Tonne, Linux Advert on Radio
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 21:18:12 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Episode 120: Two funny Accents in one Show!

,----[ Quote ]
| This week youâll get both hosts of the show in one 
| package. Philippe (southern France) and I (northern 
| Germany) discuss the results of the Double Book 
| Challenge in the âFrom Scratchâ section. We use Skype 
| and the connection is not as good as we were used to 
| it between Chile and Germany.  So expect some funny 
| noises added to the accents.


2009 Show Notes  Going Linux Podcast

,----[ Quote ]
| Here you will find links to the topics we cover as 
| well as links to software, websites articles, and 
| other resources mentioned in the episodes of Going 
| Linux. 


LinuxCon Audio Diary 3

,----[ Quote ]
| I recorded it in Portland a couple of days ago but 
| there was some trouble with my server and I had a lot 
| of traveling to do, so the release has been delayed.


Linux Advertises on the Radio

,----[ Quote ]
| Just recently, an advertisement has been running on 
| Texas Radio stations for Linux! It explains what 
| Linux is, why itâs awesome, and where to find more 
| info!



2009 Show Notes  Going Linux Podcast

,----[ Quote ]
| Here you will find links to the topics we cover as well as
| links to software, websites articles, and other resources
| mentioned in the episodes of Going Linux.


LB - Episode 42 - Back in the Saddle by Linux Basement


Linux Outlaws 111 - Developers, Developers... D'oh!

,----[ Quote ]
| This week on the show: Beer from hell, deep packet inspection,
| MOTOROLAâS NEW ANDROID UI, Microsoft vs. Zim Jemlin and the
| Linux Foundation and much more.


Podcast 63 Gentoo Developer | Jorge Manuel Vicetto (jmbsvicetto)


FLOSS Weekly 80: ScummVM

,----[ Quote ]
| ScummVM, a collection of recreated popular game engines made to run on new
| platforms.
| Guest: Eugene Sandulenko for ScummVM


Linux Outlaws 94 - Beer on the Stream

,----[ Quote ]
| In this weekâs, massively oversized episode: We interview the Linux
| Foundationâs Community Manager Brian Proffitt and talk about the Cisco/FSF
| settlement, the RIAA dissing the FSF, Microsoft and the Linux Foundation
| actually agreeing on something and much more.


Podcast Season 1 Episode 9

,----[ Quote ]
| In this episode: Our favourite TuxRadar comments so far, how can we help
| convert people from Windows and a special feature on netbooks.


Episode 0x0E: John Sullivan of the Free Software Foundation

,----[ Quote ]
| Bradley and Karen interview John Sullivan, Manager of Operations at the Free
| Software Foundation about their various advocacy campaigns.


Episode 0x0C: Patently False

,----[ Quote ]
| Karen and Bradley discuss the intersections of software patents with FLOSS
| licenses. They give a general overview of how patents generally interact with
| FLOSS, and then discuss the patent provisions of specific FLOSS licenses.


Bradley and Karen discuss the settlement of the Microsoft/TomTom law suit and
the implications for the software freedom community.

,----[ Quote ]
| This show was released on Tuesday 14 April 2009; its running time is
| 00:34:36.
| [...]
| # Bradley and Karen were in San Francisco attending the Linux Foundation's
| Collaboration Summit (00:46)
| # âProducer Danâ is Dan Lynch of half baked media. (01:10)
| # Bradley mentioned Nehru jackets, notably worn by Ricardo MontalbÃn as Khan
| in Star Trek. (01:23)
| # On 30 March 2009, Microsoft and TomTom settled their patent dispute. (2:30)
| # Bradley mentioned two articles on 29 December 2008 and on 29 January 2009
| in SD Times where he and Sam Ramji debated Microsoft's policies toward the
| FLOSS community. (04:20)
| # Karen and Bradley talk about Microsoft's historic patent threats against
| Linux. Bradley refers to Microsoft's assertions just 16 months before its
| aggression with TomTom. (4:29)
| # Bradley mentions that many agree that Microsoft's FAT file patent should
| not be considered a valid patent. (6:30)

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