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[News] [Rival] Personal Scandals at Microsoft, Shareholder Angry

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Personal Scandals at Microsoft, Shareholder Angry
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Sep 2009 22:10 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Microsoft's Distasteful Plans to Save Us from the Housing Crisis

,----[ Quote ]
| This last disclosure came out late Friday in Microsoft's 
| preliminary proxy.
| Michelle studiously noticed that in that same filing, 
| Microsoft disclosed that it may outdo the Fed and the Obama 
| administration in saving the country from the current 
| financial mess. Specifically, they are going to focus on 
| the housing mess and try to stabilize the market one Bay 
| Area executive mansion at a time.
| [...]
| The reason for this was that Elop apparently couldn't sell 
| it. Therefore, using bizarre executive comp logic, he hired 
| 3 independent appraisers to peg the value of his home and 
| got Microsoft's shareholders to pay him that amount for the 
| home. This was all to "induce" him to take the job of 
| heading up Microsoft's Business Services Division in 
| Redmond. I know it rains more in the winter in Seattle, but 
| that's quite an "inducement." I guess the "war for talent" 
| is brutal -- even in the biggest recession since the Great 
| Depression.
| [...]
| If Elop couldn't sell his house in the Bay Area and he 
| didn't want to carry the mortgage on it while moving to 
| Seattle, that's his decision. As a shareholder, I'd say 
| let's find some other executive who does want this exciting 
| opportunity. Enough with the "that's what we had to do to 
| get this talent" logic. There are many talented people that 
| would have jumped through hoops for this job.
| It's too bad Elop and Kevin Johnson couldn't have 
| coordinated their plans to switch jobs at Microsoft and 
| Juniper Networks. They could have saved shareholders a lot 
| of expense by just doing a house swap.


Microsoft's Own Housing Crisis

,----[ Quote ]
| If the say-on-pay had been in place, you have to wonder how 
| many investors would vote to spend that kind of money on 
| relocating one executive.


Microsoft co-founder on secret jaunt to Israel - with 92-meter yacht

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft founder and multi-billionaire Paul G. Allen landed Friday at Ben-Gurion Airport, the day after his 92-
| meter mega-yacht, Tatoosh, anchored at the Ashdod port - 
| since no regular Israeli marina is large enough to hold the 
| ship, the world's 26th largest motor yacht. He took a 
| helicopter from the airport to his yacht. 
| [...]
| As to what Allen is doing in Israel - he is considered 
| extremely secretive and has banned journalists from his 
| yacht and covering his visit. 


"There is such an overvaluation of technology stocks that it is absurd. I would
include our stock in that category. It is bad for the long-term worth of the
                                --Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO
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